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Social Events
Chaplain Services
Life Insurance

​We appreciate and reward our volunteers. As a volunteer with the South Bay Fire Department you are entitled to several benefits and incentives.




Volunteer Stipends


Volunteers receive a monetary stipend for participation in certain activities such as attending a drill, pulling a shift or responding to an emergency call. Stipend rates vary based on your rank, duties, weekend or weekday and location of activity. All stipend-paid activities must be recorded in the log book and approved by your supervisor.



Volunteers are issued a uniform, bunker gear and full protective gear and equipment, then enrolled in initial training for Emergency Medical Technician or Fire Training though the Thurston County Recruit Fire Academy. All training and Equipment is provide at no cost to members affiliated with the South Bay Fire Department. After successful completion of initial training, volunteers begin a six-month probation period and are assigned to a shift for emergency response and continued training and mentorship.


Mentors ensure that volunteers understand procedures and policies and assist them with any needs that arise. Ongoing training opportunities continue for volunteers throughout their career with the department. Continued training opportunities include Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator training, Specialized response, and leadership and emergency command training through the Department Officer Development Program! (ODP)There are many progressive and promotional opportunities to all members who apply themselves.


Do you have what it take to join our team?


Pension Plan

Following initial training, volunteers are issued a Pension Plan through the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ & Reserve Officers Relief & Pension Act. Appropriate paperwork for enrollment is available upon completion of initial training.


Accident and Sickness Insurance

Prior to initial training, volunteers are issued Accident Insurance through the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ & Reserve Officers Relief & Pension Act. In addition, volunteers are issued Accident & Sickness Insurance through the Standard Life Insurance.


Life Insurance

Prior to initial training, volunteers are issued Life Insurance through the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ & Reserve Officers Relief & Pension Act as well as through the Standard.


Chaplain Services

Chaplain services are available to volunteers and their families for emotional support during times of crisis or as a resource in situations of need.

Employee Assistance Program


Volunteers are eligible to participate in the Washington State Employee Assistance Program; a voluntary, confidential service that helps with personal or work-related problems that may impact work performance.


Fire Fighters’ Association

Members and their families can participate in the Fire Fighters’ Association; a non-profit group that provides community assistance such as adopt-a-family and Safe House as well as social activities such as the annual barbeque.


Social & Recognition Events

Throughout the year, volunteers are invited to attend family social events and an annual recognition ceremony



Pension Plan

© 2019 South Bay Fire District 8

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