ORCAA Notices, News Articles, and Tips
ORCAA - (Redesigned site) The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) is a local government agency charged with regulatory and enforcement authority for air quality issues in Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties. ORCAA is one of seven such regional air pollution control agencies in Washington state.
The Fire and Smoke Map displays information on ground level air quality monitors recording fine particulates (PM2.5)
from smoke and other sources, as well as information on fires, smoke plume locations, and special statements about smoke issued by various sources.
Air Quality Index (AQI) - Washington State Department of Ecology Interactive AQI Map
Smoke Ready Week - Smoke and Your Health
Smoke Ready Week - Minimizing Smoke Exposure
New Mobile App Puts Air Quality Awareness in Your Hands
The AirQualityWA app, available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, provides real-time data about air quality conditions throughout the state.
Be Smoke Ready - Wildfire smoke and your health
Be Smoke Ready - Finding Information on Smoke When You Need It