Mission, Vision and Values Statements
Mission: Statement declaring the District’s primary stakeholder, services and strategic priority
We are committed to serve our community with prompt, consistent and professional fire suppression, basic life support, rescue and prevention/ preparedness services.
Vision: Statements summarizing, in present tense, the picture of the District five to ten years from now:
We will strive to meet adopted Target Levels of Service to our community through deployment based on three strategically located firestations, staffed round-the-clock with competent responders and equipped with all necessary apparatus and equipment to provide Mission and Value driven services.
Values: Statements summarizing characteristics the organization strives to practice:
Our priority is to provide a consistent & professional emergency response throughout our District. We are committed to deploy our resources to ensure a response that meets our Target Levels of Service regardless of the incident location within our District.
We are a team oriented organization and support each member’s achievement toward providing excellent service to our community. We commit to recruit and retain our members through programs that make effective use of their time, prepare them for their assigned duties, create synergy between organizational health & community service and build an environment that is safe, stimulating, respectful and fun.
We will provide a consistent level of leadership and support for all of our members. Our commitment is to maintain and provide round-the-clock direction and mentorship. We will provide management and other resources as necessary to ensure the success consistent with our Mission, Vision and Values.
We will identify, evaluate and offer appropriate proactive risk management programs to mitigate anticipated community hazards.
We value an actively involved and well-informed community of residents, and believe citizens should have a fair and democratic opportunity to influence outcomes, participate in activities and share the pride of ownership of their fire department.
Adopted July 11, 2017